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70126 Panz Aces Set Allied Tank Crew (8)

Allied Tank Crew Uniforms

Contains 8 x 17 ml. especial colors for the weathering of tanks, tires, tarps, lights, ribbons, periscopes, and uniforms for the crew, skin tones and camouflage patterns.

70.317 - British Tank Crew
70.318 - US Army Tank Crew
70.319 - USMC Tank Crew
70.320 - French Tank Crew
70.321 - British Tank Crew Highlights
70.322 - US Tank Crew Highlights
70.323 - USMC Tank Crew Highlights
70.324 - Highlights French Tank Crew


19,95 EUR

Referencia: val 70126  

Los precios están incluidos 21% IVA.

Cantidad:   St