71626 Air Color WWII French Color Set (8)

Armée de l’Air colors 1939 to 1942 “Battle of France” & Vichy AF
Set of 8 Model Air Colors, developed for painting the camouflage patterns of the French Air Force during the Second World War, starting with the initial period in 1939, the end of the Battle for France in June 1940, and the subsequent armistice in November 1942. The set contains the profiles of airplanes with indications and detailed descriptions of the colors needed for painting the camouflage patterns.
71.035 - Camouflage Pale Brown
71.040 - Burnt Umber
71.043 - US Olive Drab
71.047 -Grey
71.078 - Yellow RLM04
71.093 - NATO Green
71.269 - Red
71.275 - USAF Medium Gray
