71627 Air Color Modern French Color Set (8)

Armée de l’Air colors post WWII to present
Set of 8 Model Air Colors, developed for painting the camouflage patterns of the French Air Force, in the period starting with the end of the WWII until to date. The set includes the color for the natural metal finish, commonly used during the decades of the 50’s & 60’s, the colors for the mimetic schemes of air superiority patterns and desert camouflage named “Chad” and the color for the latest tendency of low visibility grey. The set contains profiles of the airplanes with detailed descriptions of the camouflage patterns and the colors needed for painting them.
70.615 - USN Light Ghost Grey
71.035 - Camouflage Pale Brown
71.062 - Aluminium (Metallic)
71.097 - Medium Gunship Gray
71.277 - Dark Gull Gray
71.294 - US Forest Green
71.299 - Intermediate Blue
71.400 - UK Desert Pink
