AK Interactive is a new company founded by Fernando Vallejo, a young modeller entrepreneur from La Rioja , Spain, supported by a team of professional modellers, who guarantee the quality of their products.
AK Acrylic Paint
AK has a wide range of acrylic paint for the model builde
AK Paint & Modulation Sets
There are various modelations set from AK for different types of vehicles from different countries such as the 'Panzer Gray Modulation Set', the 'German Green Brown Modulation Set'
There are also specially composed paint sets
Weathering is the creation of a realistic weathered finish of the model by applying a variety of weather influences, rust and dirt etc. to the model.
AK Washes
There are several washes of AK available where many different effects are easy to create
AK Filters
Filters allow us to subtly change the tone of the base color of our vehicles giving it a more accurate and authentic color. At the same time, the filter gives depth and richness to the vehicle, preparing it for the next steps paint
AK Pigments
AK has also released a range of pigments in colors like 'Dark Steel', 'Dark Earth'
AK Xtreme Metals
Xtreme Metal is a new, high quality metallic range, developed with outstanding pigments, and specially formulated to give you the best results. Resistant to masking, any type of weathering, with ultra high coverage power, and fast drying. Now it’s easy to clean your airbrush without leaving any pigment/paint debris. These are quite simply the highest quality metallic paints ever seen.
AK True Metals
A new range of metallic paints based wax made from high quality pigments to achieve realistic metallic effects. Basic to be used in all branches of modeling product can be applied with a brush, just with your finger or a cotton swab and allows polished once dry for ultra realistic finish. It is recommended to prime first.