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72220 Vallejo MC Winter Weathering Set

A boxed set to create winter weathering effects, containing 8 bottles of acrylic colors, 1 Diorama Effects, 2 brushes and 1 sponge, with step by step by Heinz Wagner y Marcus Förster.

Content: 7 x 17 ml. Model Color + 1 x 17 ml. Game Color Wash + 1 x 35 ml. Diorama Effects

70.919 - Foundation White
70.869 - Basalt Grey
70.874 - Tan Earth
70.863 - Gunmetal
70.950 - Black
70.818 - Red Leather
70.872 - Chocolate Brown
73.200 - Sepia Wash,
26.232 - Sandy Paste,

+ 2 Toray penselen: Rond size 1 + Flat Rectangular size 2 +1 natural sponz


27,50 EUR

Product ID: val 72220  

Prices are incl. 21% VAT .

Quantity:   St