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70126 Panz. Aces Set Allied Tank Crew (8)

Colors especialy for the weathering of tanks, tires, tarps, lights, ribbons, periscopes, and uniforms for the crew, skin tones and camouflage patterns.

Content: 8 x 17 ml

70.317 - British Tank Crew
70.318 - US Army Tank Crew
70.319 - USMC Tank Crew
70.320 - French Tank Crew
70.321 - British Tank Crew Highlights
70.322 - US Tank Crew Highlights
70.323 - USMC Tank Crew Highlights
70.324 - Highlights French Tank Crew


18,50 EUR

Product ID: val 70126  

Prices are incl. 21% VAT .

Quantity:   St